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  5. Operation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Operation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

IIJ's Nomination and Remuneration Committee is a voluntary committee and consists of two representative directors and five independent outside directors.

Member of the Board, Representative Director & Chairman Member of the Board, Representative Director & President Member of the Board,
Independent Outside Director
(Committee Chairman)
Koichi Suzuki
Eijiro Katsu Takashi

Role of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Matters related to the nomination and remuneration of directors are consulted with the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, which evaluates and verifies their appropriateness before decision-making procedures such as at the General Meeting of Shareholders and the meeting of the Board of Directors. Each member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee evaluates the suitability of directors through the observation of discussions at the meetings of the Board of Directors etc.

Results of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee Meetings

Year Number of meetings Subjects
FY2023 Once
  • Appointments of directors for FY2023 and the status of the director's skill matrix
  • Fixed remuneration for each director for FY2023
  • Directors' performance bonus policy for FY2022 and a performance bonus for each director
  • Remuneration System for Directors after FY2024 including proposed introduction of mid- to long-term performance-linked remuneration
FY2022 Once
  • Appointments of directors for FY2023 and the status of the director's skill matrix
  • Fixed remuneration for each director for FY2023
  • Directors' performance bonus policy for FY2022 and a performance bonus for each director
FY2021 3 times
  • Appointments of directors for FY2022
  • Disclosure of the directors' skill matrix
  • Amendment of the term of office for directors to one year
  • Revision of "Policy of Directors' Remuneration and others"
  • Fixed remuneration for each director for FY2022
  • Directors' performance bonus policy for FY2021 and a performance bonus for each director

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