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  3. IIJ GIO CHINA Service


About the Service Overview

The IIJ GIO CHINA service is a cloud service provided by IIJ Global Solutions China Inc. in China.
It is based on the tried and tested IIJ GIO service in Japan, and resolves the North-South divide in Chinese Internet Environment, while also offering multilingual support in Chinese and Japanese. It provides back-up for Japanese-affiliated companies developing their business in China.

Service Features

Advantage 1

Provides an Internet access service that resolves the North-South divide.

Advantage 2

A partnership with China Telecom(CT), the largest carrier in China. We are constructing a robust service in China.

Advantage 3

Support staff work to provide multilingual support in Chinese and Japanese.

Resolving the North-South Divide in China

The North-South divide is an IT-related issue that is unique to China. The IIJ GIO CHINA service resolves this issue without requiring any equipment on the customer side.

China's North-South Divide

The connection delays due to bandwidth for connections between the major Chinese ISPs CT (China Telecom) and CU (China Unicom) being restricted is sometimes called the "Chinese Internet North-South Divide".

This refers to the phenomenon of connections being delayed or difficult to establish even when accessing a Chinese Web server from within China.

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