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IIJ Vulnerability Management Solution with

About the Solution Overview

The IIJ Vulnerability Management Solution with is a solution that centralizes the management of vulnerability information on the cloud. This solution is based on an annual flat-rate fee, enabling vulnerability diagnosis to be performed any number of times. Users can improve system security without worrying about costs. Furthermore, we provide optional analysis in which highly experienced security analysts create diagnosis reports. We provide strong support to counteract customer vulnerabilities.

* is a vulnerability management platform provided by Tenable, Inc.

Solution Features

Diagnosis Environment Provided as SaaS

Because this is a cloud-based service, equipment such as dedicated networks or end devices are unnecessary. Vulnerability diagnosis can be started immediately.
Vulnerability information is visualized on a centralized management screen. The user can easily check which vulnerabilities are present in which systems.

Flat Rate and Unlimited Uses. Automation Also Available for Vulnerability Diagnosis

Vulnerability diagnosis can be automated to run at fixed periods, such as weekly or daily. Local networks can also be supported by installing a local scanner. A flat-rate fee is charged according to the number of targets, allowing vulnerability diagnosis to be performed an unlimited number of times.

Diagnosis Results Analyzed by Security Analysts

When the optional analysis is used, IIJ security analysts provide strong support for the analysis of the diagnosis results. Diagnosis work can be performed in-house, even if no specialists are employed by the company.

(Japanese text only)

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