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  1. HOME
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  3. IIJ SSL Certificate Management Service

IIJ SSL Certificate Management Service

About the Service Overview

IIJ SSL Certificate Management Service is a service that collectively provides server certificate-related tasks, from application filing to renewal deadline management and installation.

Service Features

Tiresome Application Filing Handled for You

IIJ will work on your behalf to create the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) required to file a server certificate application and will file the application with the certification authority.

Advance Notification to Prevent Certificates from Expiring

IIJ will track certificate expiration dates and notify you when a certificate needs to be renewed. Unless you apply for cancellation, the certificate will then automatically be updated.

Installation on Servers Also Handled for You

If you use an IIJ service that supports a server certificate, IIJ will also install the certificate onto the server.

Your Choice of Options

The service supports various types of certificates: DigiCert Japan, Cybertrust, and GMO GlobalSign. You can also import your own certificates.

(Japanese text only)

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