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  3. IIJ Managed Database Service

IIJ Managed Database Service

About the Service Overview

The IIJ Managed Database Service is a cloud-based service that provides databases on your servers. Full database functionality is available from the control panel. This service frees you from the need to design and operate complex database configurations by providing high-performance, easily used databases.

Service Features

Clustered Database Configurations That are Highly Available and Ensure Zero Loss of Data

With clustered database configurations, the data on the primary server is fully replicated and synchronized on the secondary server that is always updated to the most recent state and acts as the redundant server. The service fails over to the standby server whenever the primary server is down so as to maintain service availability.
* The available database configurations include a single-server configuration (no redundancy) and two types of clustered configurations including the cold standby and the hot standby options.

High Performance Optimized for Databases

Databases are installed onto flash-based storage mounted in servers to ensure optimal database I/O performance. Furthermore, because databases on built into your physical servers, this service cannot be impacted by the activity of other customers.

One-click Operation

A control panel is available to manage databases. This control panel makes it easy to perform one-click database operations, such as adding and deleting database instances and applying patches, that are normally performed by system integrators or information system administrators.

(Japanese text only)

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